Monday 16 July 2012

Christabel Pankhurst

We got further smashing windows than we ever got letting them smash our heads.
This weeks Green Thought comes from the suffragette Christabel Pankhurst (1880 – 1958), daughter of Emmeline Pankhurst and sister to Sylvia Pankhurst and Adela Pankhurst.


  1. I've nothing against smashing windows if the context is right: I was delighted when four women trashed a Tornado jet bound for Indonesia and to be used to oppress Eastern Timor.

    I am not convinced, though, that smashing windows brought a great deal for the Suffragettes. The First World War was more important, though I do not condone that monstrous act of violence istelf.

  2. It is not a matter of smashing so many windows its a matter of smashing the right peoples windows.
    The unfortunate reality is that we the people are ignored and oppressed unless we can make a big enough nuisance of ourselves that redressing our grievances takes less effort than hitting our heads.
    So the question is has anyone got a brick that can circle the globe and smash the bullet proof windows of the Koch Brothers HQ?
    No? Then we don't matter until we do!

  3. The true state of affairs is that they will NEVER listen to us Untermensch. So why are we trying to attract their attention should we not be doing out up most to have as little contact with them and their state apparatus.
    We need to find the means of rebuilding our communities WITHOUT THEM!
