Sunday, 24 May 2015

Stephen Jay Gould - Eight Little Piggies

We cannot win this battle to save species and environments without forging an emotional bond between ourselves and nature as well – for we will not fight to save what we do not love.
From the essay ‘Unenchanted Evening’ in the American paleontologist and evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Goulds (1941 –2002) 1993 book Eight Little Piggies

Monday, 18 May 2015

Tim Jackson - ‘Prosperity without Growth : Economics for a finite planet'

The extraordinary ramping up of global economic activity has no historical precedent. It’s totally at odds with our scientific knowledge of the finite resource base and the fragile ecology on which we depend for survival.

This weeks Green Thought comes from the British ecological economist Tim Jackson’s 2009 book ‘Prosperity without Growth : Economics for a finite planet.

Monday, 11 May 2015

Wolfgang Sachs - The Development Dictionary

For more than a century, technology carried the promise of redeeming the human condition from sweat, toil and tears. Today, especially in the rich countries, it is everybody’s best kept secret that this hope is nothing but a flight of fancy.
This weeks green thought comes from the introduction of The Development Dictionary (1992) edited by Wolfgang Sachs.

Monday, 4 May 2015

Karl Polanyi - The Great Transformation

To allow the market mechanism to be the sole director of the fate of human beings and their natural environment, indeed, even of the amount and use of purchasing power, would result in the demolition of society.

This weeks Green Thought Green Thought comes from the 1944 book The Great Transformation by the late Hungarian economic historian1886 and social philosopher, Karl Polanyi (1886-1964).