Monday, 24 June 2013

Doug Tompkins - The Energy Reader

In any conversation about the future direction of energy policy, it is crucial to face the hard reality that the loss of biodiversity and the unfolding global extinction crisis are the direct result of the overdevelopment of civilisation, including the human demographic explosion. Our insistence on continually growing the economy has left the natural world, upon which civilisation is wholly dependent, in a precarious and degraded condition. The ugly manifestation of planetary overshoot are to be seen across the globe. Overscaled, outsized, overdeveloped are the adjectives of the age. If one cannot see it, then one is not looking.
Doug Tompkins in the forward to the 2012 book  edited by Tom Butler, Daniel Lurch and George Wuerthner and published by The Foundation for Deep Ecology in collaboration with Watershed Media and the Post Carbon Institute.

Monday, 17 June 2013

The evolutionary health principle - Biosensitive Futures

"The principle that if an animal or plant is removed from its natural habitat, or if the environment changes in some significant way, it is likely that it will be less well adapted to the new conditions, and will consequently show some signs of physiological or behavioural maladjustment. This principle applies to all species including Homo sapiens."
Todays Green Thought is “The evolutionary health principle” taken from the excellent Biosensitive Futures web site

Monday, 10 June 2013

The Energy Reader

For the wild creatures whose habitat is being destroyed by a rapacious energy economy, and for the children whose breathing is laboured due to pollution from fossil fuels. May a future energy economy that mirrors nature’s elegance arrive soon enough to relieve their sufferings.
The dedication at the front of the 2012 book  edited by Tom Butler, Daniel Lurch and George Wuerthner and published by The Foundation for Deep Ecology in collaboration with Watershed Media and the Post Carbon Institute.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Derrick Jensen - A Language Older Than Words

"Every morning when I awake I ask myself whether I should write or blow up a dam. I tell myself I should keep writing, though I'm not sure that's right"
Todays Green Thought comes from the American author and environmental activist Derrick Jensen’s 2000 book  A Language Older Than Words