Monday, 29 April 2013

Arne Neass

We must live at a level that we can seriously wish others to attain, not at a level that requires the bulk of Humanity NOT to reach.
Today’s Green Thought comes from the Norwegian philosopher and founder of deep ecology
Arne Næss (1912 – 2009)

Tuesday, 23 April 2013


We have not stumbled into the arms of Gog and Magog, we have progressed there.

Today’s Green Thought comes from the late Theodore Roszak’s seminal 1972 book Where the Wasteland Ends : Politics and Transcendence in Postindustrial Society.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Native American Proverb

Only when the last tree has been cut down; 

Only when the last river has been poisoned;

Only when the last fish has been caught;

Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten.

Today’s Green Thought is an American Indian
proverb pointing out the destructive lifestyle of the western world.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Paul Ehrlich

“As each new perpetual-motion-machine was propounded, one of the biologists or physicists would simply point out that it violated the second law (of thermodynamics). Finally, in frustration, one of the economists blurted out, ‘Who knows what the second law of thermodynamics will be like in a hundred years?’”
This weeks Green Thought comes from the American biologist Paul Ehrlich tale of an occasion at the 1974 World Population Conference.

Monday, 1 April 2013

James Hansen

Civil resistance is not an easy path, but given abdication of responsibility by the government it is an essential path.

Today’s Green Thought comes from , from the NASA  Space Institute, is a part-time professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Columbia University, and activist for action to mitigate the effects of climate change. Comment made on hearing that UK Judge Spencer had refused to allow man-made Global Warming as a mitigating factor in the trial of protestors against coal fired power stations.