A Green Thought For The Week every week of the year! A 'Green' quote, to start your week, from various sources across the spectrum of the green movement, science and philosophy. Though the selection is broad the perspective of this blog is that of Deep Ecology. The quotes have been selected, complied and edited by John Gale a long term Deep Ecologist. Also hosted is John Gale's "Green Reading List" which lists a selection of must reads for those wishing to Green their perspective!
Monday, 28 November 2011
‘Jerusalem: The Emanation of The Giant Albion’ - William Blake
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
John Stuart Mill - The Principles of Political Economy
Today’s Green Thought comes from Chapter 6, Book 4 of The Principles of Political Economy (1848) by the English philosopher John Stuart Mill.
Towards what ultimate point is society tending by its industrial progress? When the progress ceases, in what condition are we to expect that it will leave mankind?
The first paragraph and the latter half of this chapter (Of the Stationary State [less than 1500 words]) is well worth reading - http://www.efm.bris.ac.uk/het/mill/book4/bk4ch06
Monday, 14 November 2011
Reg Morrison ‘The Spirit in the Gene’
Today’s Green Thought comes from Reg Morrisons 1999 book ‘The Spirit in the Gene’ (p. 204).
Western society’s long alienation from the natural world has bred an ignorance so comprehensive that it now presents a serious handicap in dealing with our environmental problems. Few have even the haziest grasp of the natural world that underpins their lives, or the evolutionary processes that made them what they are; fewer still recognise their ecological place within the biosphere, or their ultimate dependence on it.
Monday, 7 November 2011
‘Easter's End’ by Jared Diamond
Today’s Green Thought comes from the essay ‘Easter's End’ by Jared Diamond and can be found at http://jayhanson.us/page145.htm